A couple weeks ago, I traveled to Kalamazoo, MI to teach Craig, a former student of mine, and some of his kids. While training the crew at a local gym, I got to witness Craig’s baby learning how to crawl. As a parkour athlete and coach, I was fascinated by watching a baby learn to propel itself quadrupedally across the floor. Luckily, Craig’s wife had a camera on hand to capture this movement skill milestone.
The Art of Falling: When Gravity Uses a Concrete Wall to Throw You
This article was originally published February 10th, 2011 on AmosRendao.com You can view the original article here. “Why do we fall, sir? So that we can learn to pick ourselves up.” — Alfred in “Batman Begins” To fail is not simply to be human. To fail is to exist. Failure is an essential element of … Read more