Intro to climb-up strength & skill training

When was the last time you stumbled across a set of rings or monkey bars outside the gym? Maybe at a park or playground? What about the rest of your city? Compared to walls, fences, and gates, rings and bars are rare finds in the concrete jungle. Perhaps we should focus more on muscle-up variations … Read more

Top 10 bodyweight exercises for intermediate parkour athletes

In parkour, athletes learn to turn the world into a playground. But they should also learn to use common objects like trees, rails, benches, and walls as exercise equipment. Even though I recommend some basic weightlifting for intermediate and advanced athletes, you can still get a great workout by doing only bodyweight exercises. In this article, … Read more

Parkour Randori: Putting It to the Test in Real-Life Emergency Situations

So, you study Parkour. You’re tough, strong, capable, more prepared for life’s challenges. Maybe your mantra is “être fort pour être utile (be strong to be useful),” and you tell people that one of the many benefits of your discipline is the ability to save someone’s life, evade, chase, and stand ready in the face of emergency situations that unfold before you.

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