Kinematic Analyses of Parkour Landings From as High as 2.7 Meters

PREFACE: In 2016, we partnered with the Division of Kinesiology and Health at the University of Wyoming to deconstruct various parkour landing techniques. The study was just published by the Journal of Human Kinetics—and with free/open access for all! In this study, landing forces and techniques by 20 parkour coaches and athletes from various Apex School of … Read more

Addressing the Peel-Out: One of Parkour’s Most Heinous Falling Scenarios

The peel-out is one of the gnarliest falls in parkour because it often leaves a practitioner falling towards their head, neck, and spine with difficulty spotting the ground. Peel outs are especially dangerous because most swings take place on bars or branches at least 2 m (6 feet) above ground level.

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The Science of Movement: Logic As a Reflection of God, Parkour As an Act of Praise

Photo by Rain Duran (
Written by Amos Galileo Rendao
Original on November 4, 2010, Revised April 16, 2017

As parkour practitioners, we often interact with clear cut concepts and objects, like concrete walls, basic physics, trees, point A and B, but have you ever asked yourself, “Is this wall real?” “Am I actually climbing this tree in reality, or is this all a dream?” There have been times when I’ve questioned whether or not I’m awake after accomplishing a physical feat that I recently thought impossible, and rightfully so, because I have in the past awakened after such an experience.

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