10-second drill: a parkour game to improve improv

The 10-second drill is one of the most useful parkour games that we use in our beginner curriculum and its purpose is to improve your ability to move well and with spontaneity and creativity, through an obstacle dense area for at least 10 seconds at a time. By not pre-planning your movement, you are constantly challenged … Read more

Intro to climb-up strength & skill training

When was the last time you stumbled across a set of rings or monkey bars outside the gym? Maybe at a park or playground? What about the rest of your city? Compared to walls, fences, and gates, rings and bars are rare finds in the concrete jungle. Perhaps we should focus more on muscle-up variations … Read more

Addressing the Peel-Out: One of Parkour’s Most Heinous Falling Scenarios

The peel-out is one of the gnarliest falls in parkour because it often leaves a practitioner falling towards their head, neck, and spine with difficulty spotting the ground. Peel outs are especially dangerous because most swings take place on bars or branches at least 2 m (6 feet) above ground level.

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