5 Ways to Support Female Parkour Athletes

I want you to imagine for a moment walking into a gym full of large, muscular women. They are a little bigger and stronger than you and are also insanely talented at parkour. They can do things that push your previous conception of what humans are physically capable of. You are just starting out in parkour and can only do things at a fraction of the scale they are capable of and with far less confidence. The women are trying to help you learn but offer so much advice that you can hardly think straight. When you approach to join, it feels like you are in their way. Is this level of skill even possible? Where did these super-humans come from?! Is there a special laboratory or something…is Oscorp real?!

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The Achilles Tear in Parkour: A Pattern Observed, Solutions Offered

The Achilles tear is a devastating injury, and although it is not common in parkour at the moment, we may see this pattern accelerate due to factors such as a growing demographic of older practitioners and the Achilles put under more and more tension in complex positions as advanced practitioners push human limits. We’ve taken notice of this injury showing up worldwide and have created solutions for mitigating it in our own coaching practices and curriculum.

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Must-Read Books for Parkour Athletes & Coaches

If you want to improve at parkour, it’s not always about training harder. For a lot of people, a missing element is training smarter. Fortunately, top coaches and journalists from around the world have discovered and published many secrets to building strength, gaining mobility, mastering your mind, and obtaining new skills. You don’t always have … Read more