Parkour Randori: Putting It to the Test in Real-Life Emergency Situations

So, you study Parkour. You’re tough, strong, capable, more prepared for life’s challenges. Maybe your mantra is “être fort pour être utile (be strong to be useful),” and you tell people that one of the many benefits of your discipline is the ability to save someone’s life, evade, chase, and stand ready in the face of emergency situations that unfold before you.

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Too old, too fat, too weak for parkour? Start with these 5 basic movements

“When did you start parkour?”

“When did you stop?”


Everyone did at least a bit of parkour as a kid. At one point in your life, you climbed a tree, a rock, a rooftop. You jumped and tumbled off furniture because it was fun. Remember “floor-is-lava?” You still play? I still play floor-is-lava almost every day. If you like(d) that game, you might enjoy parkour too.

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I Hate (Love) Parkour Because I Suck At It

FOREWORD: I recently completed a 30 day movement challenge in which I worked on something I was terrible at every day for a month. I also posted a daily video of my practice so that I could track my progress and hold myself accountable. The weakness that I addressed was twisting but I want to challenge you to do the same thing for your own weakness. If you decide to take part, let me know how it goes for you! Please check out the video compilation of my month as well as the blog post below. Good luck!

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