The Parkour Research Vault

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Parkour injuries presenting to United States emergency departments, 2009–2015
by Matthew E. Rossheim ; Caroline J. Stephenson
2017 | The American Journal of Emergency Medicine
Description: From Abstract: “Background: Few studies have examined injuries resulting from practicing parkour. The current study provides details on more parkour-related emergency department visits than existed in the combined research literature.”
Citation: Rossheim, Matthew E. ; Stephenson, Caroline J. (2017). “Parkour injuries presenting to United States emergency departments, 2009-2015”. The American Journal of Emergency Medicine.
Tags: #Recreation #Injury #NEISS #Traceur #Parkour

Lifestyle Sports and Public Policy
by Daniel Turner ; Sandro Carnicelli
2017 | Routledge Research in Sport, Culture and Society
Description: From Abstract:” Lifestyle Sports and Public Policy is the first book to develop a comprehensive understanding of the interplay between lifestyle sports and the public policy environment which frames and regulates them. Drawing on a wide range of lifestyle sports from across the globe, including parkour, skateboarding, mountain biking and climbing, it identifies the critical issues facing practitioners and policymakers as these sports become increasingly popular. “
Citation: Daniel Turner; Sandro Carnicelli. (2017). Lifestyle Sports and Public Policy. Routledge Research in Sport, Culture and Society. Routledge
Tags: #law #policy  #parkour #literature

How Parkour Coaches Learn to Coach: An Exploration of Parkour Coach Learning and Development
by Ethan Greenberg
2017 | uO Research
Description: Greenberg studies how trauers learn how to coach despite the scant research that exists on Parkour coaching or Parkour mechanics
Citation: Greenberg, Ethan. (2011). How Parkour Coaches Learn to Coach: An Exploration of Parkour Coach Learning and Development. uO Research Thesis.
Tags: #coaching #parkourcoaching #learning #parkour

Practice makes perfect: Performance optimisation in ‘arboreal’ parkour athletes illuminates the evolutionary ecology of great ape anatomy.
by Lewis Halsey ; Sam Coward ; Susannah Thorpe
2017 |  NERC
Description: Studies the energy cost of arboreal apes through studying and comparing to tracuers
Citation: Halsey, Lewis ; Coward, Sam ; Thorpe, Susannah . (2017). Practice makes perfect: Performance optimisation in ‘arboreal’ parkour athletes illuminates the evolutionary ecology of great ape anatomy. 103:45-52. doi: 10.1016/j.jhevol.2016.11.005. Epub 2017 Jan 28.
Tags: #performance #biology #primates #locomotion #parkour

Practice makes perfect: Performance optimisation in ‘arboreal’ parkour athletes illuminates the evolutionary ecology of great ape anatomy.
by Lewis Halsey ; Sam Coward ; Susannah Thorpe
2017 |  NERC
Description: Studies the energy cost of arboreal apes through studying and comparing to tracuers
Citation: Halsey, Lewis ; Coward, Sam ; Thorpe, Susannah . (2017). Practice makes perfect: Performance optimisation in ‘arboreal’ parkour athletes illuminates the evolutionary ecology of great ape anatomy. 103:45-52. doi: 10.1016/j.jhevol.2016.11.005. Epub 2017 Jan 28.
Tags: #performance #biology #primates #locomotion #parkour

Lifestyle and adventure sports among youth
by P. Gilchrist,  ; B Wheaton
2016 | Routledge Handbook of Youth Sport. Routledge International Handbooks
Description: From Abstract:” An important characteristic and intensifying trend in the twenty-first century within Western sporting cultures is an increase in the range and diversity of sports practices, particularly more informal and individualistic activities. A vibrant example of this trend is the emergence and growth of what the academic and popular literature has variously termed extreme, alternative, adventure and lifestyle sports. In this chapter we consider the growing popularity and significance of these sports, illustrating their impact on the contemporary sporting landscape. First, we explore what lifestyle sports are and the ways in which they have impacted contemporary youth lifestyles, focusing on the UK, where much of our own research has been conducted and North America, where many of these sports originated and have had most impact on the sportscape. We consider how we can understand and conceptualise the youth (sub)cultures and identities that underpin them, and highlight some of the key trends in their development, including commercialisation. Second, the chapter reviews literature on lifestyle sports as an urban spatial practice and the attendant cultural politics associated with youth lifestyles expressed in urban environments through street sports like skateboarding and parkour/free-running. Third, acknowledging the virtual/real interface at the forefront of youth identities and experiences, we consider the role of digital media in fuelling the popularity, culture and economy of lifestyle sports. “
Citation: Gilchrist, Paul and Wheaton, Belinda; Green, K. and Smith, A., eds (2016) Lifestyle and adventure sport among youth In: . Routledge Handbook of Youth Sport. Routledge International Handbooks . Routledge, Oxford, UK, pp. 186-200. ISBN 978041584003
Tags: #lifestylesports #adventuresports #youth #culturalstudies #literature #parkour

Feasibility and students’ preliminary views on parkour in a group of primary school children
by Javier Fernández-Río ; Carlos Suarez
2016 | Physical Education and Sport Pedagogy
Description: Fernández-Río and Suarez study the views and reactions of grade school students after a Parkour class
Citation: Javier Fernández-Río & Carlos Suarez (2016) Feasibility and students’ preliminary views on parkour in a group of primary school children, Physical Education and Sport Pedagogy, 21:3, 281-294, DOI: 10.1080/17408989.2014.946008
Tags: #education #physicaleducation #cooperativelearning #parkour

Parkour as a pas de deux : learning to dance with and within unstable spaces
by Hannah Gravestock
2016 | Theatre, Dance and Performance Training
Description: Parkour as a performance art, and the urban space as an impromptu theature stage
Citation: Gravestock, Hannah. (2016). Parkour as a pas de deux: learning to dance with and within unstable spaces. Theatre, Dance And Performance Training Vol. 7 , Iss.
Tags: #space #performance #parkour #dance #scenography

Parkour as acrobatics: an existential phenomenological study of movement in parkour
by Kenneth Aggerholm ; Signe Højbjerre Larsen
2016 | Qualitative Research in Sport, Exercise and Health
Description: Breaks down the three phases of Parkour: challenge, break (or repetition), and clean (perfection)
Citation: Aggerholm, Kenneth ; Højbjerre Larsen, Signe. (2016). Parkour as acrobatics: an existential phenomenological study of movement in parkour.
Tags: #parkour #acrobatics #phenomenology #motorintentionality #embodiment

Parkour: Measurement of Energetic and Morphophysiological Metabolism in its Practitioners
by CD de Andrade ; GNP Dos Santos; Ac Ferreira ; Mr Ribas ; Jc Bassan
2016 | Revista Brasileira De Medicina Do Esporte
Description: Measures the metabolic changes and energy output of a group of 18 tracuers during a training session
Citation: de Andrade, CD ; Dos Santos, GNP ; Ferreira, Ac ; Ribas, Mr ; Bassan, Jc. (2016). Parkour: Measurement of Energetic and Morphophysiological Metabolism in its Practitioners. Rev Bras Med Esporte vol.22 no.1.
Tags: #Portuguese #metabolism #biology #biologicalsystems #energyexpenditure #medical #parkour

Squirrel parkour: wall-jump maneuver adds intermediate control point to ballistic trajectories
by N Hunt ; J Jinn; A Robin; Cy Lee; I Fajardo  ; J Huang ; Lf  Jacobs; Rj Full
2016 | Integrative And Comparative Biology
Description: The authors aim to find biomechanical solutions to maneuvering complex environments by studying jumping across large gaps
Citation: Hunt, N ; Jinn, J ; Robin, A ; Lee, Cy ; Fajardo, I ; Huang, J ; Jacobs, Lf ; Full, Rj. (2016). Squirrel parkour: wall-jump maneuver adds intermediate control point to ballistic trajectories. Integr Comp Biol (2016) 56 (suppl_1): e1-e250.
Tags: #integrative and comparitive biology #biology #landing #decisionmaking #trajectory #jumping #parkour

Countercultural sport
by Kelly, J., Bairner, A. ; Lee, J. (eds.)
2016 | Routledge Handbook of Sport and Politics
Description: From Abstract: “…analyses the concept of ‘counterculture’ in relation to sport. It provides conceptual clarification of the origins and uses of the term ‘counterculture’ and questions its applicability to a range of sport forms and practices. The examples of pillow fighting and urban golf are used to highlight the applicability of the concept to new sport forms. The chapter concludes by noting the analytical potential and problems associated with theorising ‘countercultural’ sport as ‘spectacles of rebellion’.”
Citation: Kelly, J., Bairner, A. ; Lee, J. (eds.) (2016). Countercultural sport. Routledge Handbook of Sport and Politics. Routledge, London, UK, pp. 388-400. ISBN 9781138792548
Tags: #sports #lifestylesports #counterculture #literature #parkour

Parkour/Freerunning as a Pathway to Prosocial Change: A Theoretical Analysis
by Johanna Herrmann
2016 | Master of Science in Forensic Psychology
Description: Explores Parkour as a tool for self actualization and growth. The author argues that Parkour can be used to rehabilitate at risk youth
Citation: Herrmann, Johanna. (2016). Parkour/Freerunning as a Pathway to Prosocial Change: A Theoretical Analysis.
Tags: #sociology #culturalstudies #subversion #parkour

Risk and benefits in lifestyle sports: law, social value and utility in parkour
by Paul Gilchrist  ; Guy Osborn
2016 | International Journal of Sport Policy and Politics
Description: From Abstract: ” This paper examines the interrelationship between law and lifestyle sports, viewed through the lens of parkour. “
Citation: Gilchrist, Paul ; Osborn, Guy. (2016). Risk and benefits in lifestyle sports: parkour, law and social value. International Journal of Sport Policy and Politics.
Tags: #policy #law #sociology #culturalstudies #counterculture #parkour

Crossing the symbolic boundaries: parkour, gender and urban spaces in Genoa
by Luisa Stagi
2015 | Modern Italy
Description: From abstract: ” This paper shows how girls and women who practise parkour cross the gendered divisions of space, sport and other symbolic territories that are brought into play by so-called risk-taking sports, and how it may therefore be considered a subversive action.”
Citation: Stagi, Luisa. (2015). Crossing the symbolic boundaries: parkour, gender and urban spaces in Genoa. Volume 20, Issue 3, pp. 295-305. DOI:
Tags: #parkour #sociology  #genderstudies #gender #Italy

Evidence of dynamic postural control performance in parkour landing
by G Maldonado ; H Bitard ; B Watier; P Soueres
2015 | Computer Methods in Biomechanics and Biomedical Engineering
Description: Impact absorption and control in Parkour compared with other sports
Citation: Maldonado G, Bitard H, Watier B, Soueres P. (2015) Comput Methods Biomech Biomed Engin. Suppl 1:1994-5. doi: 10.1080/10255842.2015.1069588. Epub
Tags: #parkour #mechanics #sportsscience #landing #landingtechnique #impact #absorbtion

Managing alternative sports: new organisational spaces for the diffusion of Italian parkour
by Raffaella F. Camoletto ; Davide Sterchele ; Carlo Genova
2015 | Modern Italy
Description: Explores the freedom of a Parkour community in Italy after the involvement of the UISP (Unione Italiana Sport per Tutti/Italian Union of Sport for All)
Citation: Camoletto, Raffaella Ferrero ; Sterchele, Davide ; Genova, Carlo. (2014) Managing alternative sports: new organisational spaces for the diffusion of Italian parkour. Pages 307-319.
Tags: #parkourassociation #legitamacy #organization #Italy #culturalpoliticis  #parkour

Multiple Unilateral Traumatic Carotid-Cavernous Sphenoid Sinus Fistulas with Associated Massive Epistaxis: A Consequence of Parkour 
by Jason F Harrison ; Rafael A  Vega; Theofilos G Machinis ; John F Reavey-Cantwell
2015 | The Oschner Journal
Description: The authors of this paper outline a new type of sport injury caused by the practice of Parkour/ Freerunning
Citation: Harrison, Jason F ; Vega, Rafael A ; Machinis, Theofilos G ; Reavey-Cantwell, John F. (2015). Multiple Unilateral Traumatic Carotid-Cavernous Sphenoid Sinus Fistulas with Associated Massive Epistaxis: A Consequence of Parkour. Ochsner J. 2015 Spring; 15(1): 92–96. PMCID: PMC4365856
Tags: #parkour #injury #Americanparkour

Performance characteristics of Parkour practitioners: Who are the traceurs?
by Sidney Grosprêtre ; Romuald Lepers
2015 | European Journal of Sports Science
Description: From abstract: ” The aims of this study were (i) to investigate age, anthropometric and training characteristics of Parkour practitioners, called ‘traceurs’ and (ii) to assess jump performances and muscular characteristics of traceurs, compared to those of gymnasts and power athletes. “
Citation: Grosprêtre, Sidney ; Lepers, Romuald. (2015). Performance characteristics of Parkour practitioners: Who are the traceurs?. Eur J Sport Sci. 2016 Aug;16(5):526-35. doi: 10.1080/17461391.2015.1060263.
Tags: #jump #power #comparision #muscle #poweroutput #countermovementjump #squatjump #eccentric #standinglongjump #gymnastics #parkour

Parkour as Health Promotion in Schools: A Qualitative Study on Health Identity
by Dan Grabowski ; Signe Dalsgaard Thomsen
2015 | World Journal of Education
Description: Grabowski and Thombson highlights the potential role of parkour in school-based health promotion
Citation: Grabowski, Dan ; Thomsen, Signe Dalsgaard. (2015). Parkour as Health Promotion in Schools: A Qualitative Study on Health Identity. World Journal of Education ISSN 1925-0746(Print) ISSN 1925-0754(Online). DOI:
Tags: #health #parkour #education #physicaleducation #youth #school #obesity

Youth, action sports and political agency in the Middle East: Lessons from a grassroots parkour group in Gaza
by Holly Thorpe ; Nida Ahmad
2015 | International Review for the Sociology of Sport
Description: Parkour as globalized youth culture in Gaza
Citation: Thorpe, Holly ; Ahmad, Nida. (2015). Youth, action sports and political agency in the Middle East: Lessons from a grassroots parkour group in Gaza. International Review for the Sociology of Sport 50(6) ·DOI: 10.1177/1012690213490521
Tags: #middleeast #culturalstudies #parkour #politics #socialmedia

A Comparison of the Habitual Landing Strategies from Differing Drop Heights of Parkour Practitioners (Traceurs) and Recreationally Trained Individuals
by Rj Standing ; PS Maulder
2015 | Journal Of Sports Science And Medicine
Description: Compares landing technique and resulting sound between tracuers and non-practioners
Citation: Standing, Rj ; Maulder, PS. (2014). A Comparison of the Habitual Landing Strategies from Differing Drop Heights of Parkour Practitioners (Traceurs) and Recreationally Trained Individuals.J Sports Sci Med. 14(4):723-31. eCollection 2015.
Tags: #landing #parkour #impact #absorbtion

The Digital Generation’s Physical Activities
by Cristiana L. Pop
2015 | Anthropologist
Description: Explores the Digital Generation (people born after the age of the personal computer) and how they learn, communicate, and understand their various movement arts
Citation: Pop, Cristiana L. (2015). The Digital Generation’s Physical Activities. Department of Physical Education and Sport, Anthropologist, 19(3): 737-740.
Tags: #sports #sportsstudies #socialmedia #Internet #anthropology #parkour

Space and Subversion: An Analysis of Authenticity in London Parkour
by Jason Cheung
Description: Subversion and counter culture as inherent properties of Parkour, and its effect on narrative construction in urban spaces
Citation: Cheung, Jason. (2015) Space and Subversion: An Analysis of Authenticity in London Parkour. GEOG3040 (1.5 Unit Dissertation).
Tags: #culturalstudies #psycology #sociology #culturalstudies #counterculture #subversion #parkour

“They Are Just Trying to Contain Us”: Parkour, Counter-Conducts and the Government of Difference in Turin’s Urban Spaces
by Nicola  De Martini Ugolotti
2015 | Dipartimento di Culture, Politica e Società
Description: From Abstract: ” The following paper aims to contribute to an interdisciplinary debate between studies on “the physical” (Silk et al., 2015), the urban condition, migration and multicultural/super-diverse societies, by exploring how groups of (post)migrant youth practicing parkour engaged emerging forms of social and spatial restructuring characterizing cities like Turin, Italy. “
Citation: Nicola De Martini Ugolotti. (2015). “They Are Just Trying to Contain Us”: Parkour, Counter-Conducts and the Government of Difference in Turin’s Urban Spaces. Dipartimento di Culture, Politica e Società.
Tags: #parkour #Turin #CounterConduct #CounterCulture #GovernmentofDifference #PostMigrantYouth

Adaptive difficulty scales for Parkour games
by Yi-Na Li ; Chi Yao ; Dong-Jin Li ; Kang Zhang
2014 | Journal of Visual Languages and Computing
Description: Risk, challanges, mental growth, and learning in Parkour
Citation: Li, Yi-Na ; Yao, Chi ; Li, Dong-Jin ; Zhang, Kang. (2014) Adaptive difficulty scales for Parkour games. Journal of Visual Languages & Computing Volume 25, Issue 6, Pages 868–878.
Tags: #fear #learning #safety #parkour

American Genre Film in the French Banlieue: Luc Besson and Parkour
by David Pettersen
2014 | Cinema Journal
Description: A Parkour film deconstruction
Citation: Pettersen, David.(2014) American Genre Film in the French Banlieue: Luc Besson and Parkour. Cinema Journal. Volume 53, Number 3. pp. 26-51 | 10.1353/cj.2014.0024
Tags: #film #parkour #desconstruction #yamakasi #french #france

Game Maps: Parkour Vision and Urban Relations
by Julie Angel
2014 | New World Choreographies
Description: Angel aims to connect the human’s relationship with the body to the urban space by viewingt through the lens of the tracuer
Citation: Angel, Julie. (2014) Game Maps: Parkour Vision and Urban Relations. Choreographic Dwellings Part of the series New World Choreographies pp 177-197. 10.1057/9781137385673_11
Tags: #alternativesportstudies #sportsstudies #urban #urbanmovement #urbansports #parkour #sociology #architecture

Misuse of The Monument: The art of parkour and the discursive limits of a disciplinary architecture
by Matthew D. Lamb
2014 | Journal of Urban Cultural Studies
Description: From abstract : “Offered here is an analysis of Parkour’s misuse of architecture and its challenge of disciplinary power codified and maintained in the built environment.”
Citation: Lamb, Matthew D.(2014). Misuse of The Monument: The art of parkour and the discursive limits of a disciplinary architecture. DOI: 10.1386/jucs.1.1.107_1
Tags: #alternativesportstudies #urban #urbanmovement #urbansports #parkour #sociology #architecture

Parkour as Health Promotion in Schools: A Qualitative Study Focusing on Aspects of Participation
by D.  Grabowski ; S.D Thomsen
2014 | Health Promotion Research, Steno Diabetes Center
Description: Grabowski and Thomsen explore the massive growth of Parkour in the 21st century, and it’s potential to create high levels of parcipitation among unhealhty school children
Citation: Grabowski, D. : & Thomsen, S.D. (2014). Parkour as Health Promotion in Schools: A Qualitative Study Focusing on Aspects of Participation. International Journal of Education.
Tags: #education #physicaleducation #health #parkour

Self and the City: Parkour, Architecture, and the Interstices of the ‘Knowable’ City
by Matthew D. Lamb
2014 | A Journal of Performance Studies
Description: Lam utilizes Parkour as both a unit of analysis and method of investigation” as a new understanding of the city
Citation: Lamb, Matthew D. (2014). Self and the City: Parkour, Architecture, and the Interstices of the ‘Knowable’ City. Liminalities: A Journal of Performance Studies Vol. 10, No. 2 (2014).
Tags: #architecture #culturalstudies #city #space #parkour

Cities within the City: Do-It-Yourself Urbanism and the Right to the City
by Kurt Iveson
2013 | International Journal of Urban and Regional Research
Description: Links Parkour to other grass roots urban movements generally categorized as “do it yourself urban movements”. The article focuses on the question of urban politics to create a more democratic city 
Citation: Iveson, Kurt. (2013) International Journal of Urban and Regional Research 37(3) · DOI: 10.1111/1468-2427.12053
Tags: #parkour #urbanspace #community #city

Ground Reaction Forces and Loading Rates Associated with Parkour and Traditional Drop Landing Techniques
by Damien L. Puddle  ; Peter S. Maulder
2013 | Journal of Sports Science & Medicine
Description: From abstract: “The purpose of this study was to compare the ground reaction forces and loading rates involved in two Parkour landing techniques encouraged by local Parkour instructors and a traditional landing technique recommended in the literature.”
Citation: Maulder, Peter S.;Puddle, Damien L. (2013). Ground Reaction Forces and Loading Rates Associated with Parkour and Traditional Drop Landing Techniques. J Sports Sci Med 122–129.
Tags: #parkour #technique #technique #study #force #impact

Parkour, bodies that trace urban heterotopies
by Jennifer Rotawisky
2013 | Revista colombiana de antropología
Description: Rowtawisky argues that the movement of Parkour creates a new way for humans to live in an urban space
Citation: Rotawisky, Jennifer. (2013). PARKOUR, BODIES THAT TRACE URBAN HETEROTOPIES. Rev. colomb. antropol. vol.49 no.2. ISSN 0486-6525
Tags: #anthropology #Spanish #Spanishliterature #SouthAmerica #Colombia #parkour

Parkour, Masculinity, and the City
by Jeffrey L. Kidder
2013 | Sociology of Sport Journal
Description: From abstract: ” Through ethnographic data I show how young men involved in the sport use the city (both the built environment and the people within it) as a structural resource for the construction and maintenance of gender identities. The focus of my research highlights the performance of gender as a spatialized process.”
Citation: Kidder, Jeffrey L. (2013). Parkour, Masculinity, and the City. The Official Journal of the North American Society for the Sociology of Sport. Volume: 30 Issue: 1 Pages: 1-23. DOI:
Tags: #gender #parkour #sociology

Parkour: Adventure, Risk, and Safety in the Urban Environment
by Jeffrey L. Kidder
2013 | Qualitative Sociology
Description: Kidder argues that within Parkour include rituals of risk and safety, which give value to the practitioner and provide them with meaning
Citation: Kidder, J.L. (2013). Qual Sociol 36: 231. doi:10.1007/s11133-013-9254-8
Tags: #fear #adventure #risk #safety #parkour #psychology

Personality, self-efficacy and risk-taking in parkour (free-running)
by Christopher J. Merritt ; Ian J. Tharp
2013 | Psychology of Sport and Exercise
Description: Merrit and Tharp discuss the distribution of personality types – ranging from high neuroticism to low conscientiousness – in the Parkour community
Citation: Merritt, Christopher J. ;Tharp, Ian J. ; (2013) Psychology of Sport and Exercise. Volume 14, Issue 5, Pages 608–611
Tags: #fear #adventure #risk #safety #parkour #psychology

The Aesthetics of Urban Movement: Habits, Mobility, and Resistance
by Scott Sharpe
2013 | Geographical Research
Description: Sharpe studies various urban sports and argues that they have a roll in undoing the boredom and dullness associated with living in an urban space
Citation: Sharpe, Scott (2012). The Aesthetics of Urban Movement: Habits, Mobility, and Resistance. Volume 51, Issue 2. Pages 166–172. 10.1111/j.1745-5871.2012.00781.x
Tags: #alternativesportstudies #alternativesports #urban #urbanmovement #urbansports #parkour #sociology #architecture

Description: Determines the social and psychological reasons for the emergence or Parkour – both extra socially, personally, and inter-socially
Tags: #culturalstudies #psychology, sociology, cultural studies, counter culture, Parkour

Urban Traces. Parkour, Self-Mediatization and Body Knowledge
by Maud Hietzge
2013 | Creativity and Innovation in Educational Research
Description: From abstract: ” Parkour and the self-mediatization of sportive youth cultures make clear that there is a constantly shifting popular culture that makes enacted comments on urban surrounding, living conditions, social participation that affects passive recipients symbolically. Parkour in its original version implements a subversive commentary about urban city planning and regains it back to the people symbolically.” 
Citation: Hietzge, Maud. (2013). Urban Traces. Parkour, Self-Mediatization and Body Knowledge. Open Learning: Media, Environments and Cultures. ECER 2013, Creativity and Innovation in Educational Research.
Tags: #creativity #learning #play #education #parkour

Parkour, The Affective Appropriation of Urban Space, and the Real/Virtual Dialectic
by Jeffrey L. Kidder
2012 | City and Community
Description: Kidder argues that Parkour is birthed from globalized ideas, which are then communicated through the Internet, and expressed in urban spaces. They use Parkour to argue how virtual ideas can have an effect on the use of urban structures in the physical world 
Citation: Kidder, Jeffery L. (2012). Parkour, The Affective Appropriation of Urban Space, and the Real/Virtual Dialectic. 10.1111/j.1540-6040.2012.01406.x
Tags: #space #social media #virtual #parkour #media #Internet #globilizaiton

Parkour: Creating Loose Spaces?
by Lieven Ameel; Sirpa Tani
2012 | Geografiska Annaler: Series B, Human Geography
Description: Amel and Tani argue that Parkour creates a discussion around the use of public space for unexpected and unintended purposes. The study specifically focuses on Finnish tracuers
Citation: Ameel, Lieven ; Tani, Sirpa . (2012) Geografiska Annaler Series B Human Geography 94(1):17-30 · DOI: 10.2307/23258254
Tags: #parkour #interview #Finland #Finnish #public space #city

Parkour, The Affective Appropriation of Urban Space, and the Real/Virtual Dialectic
by Jeffrey L. Kidder
2012 | Department of Sociology
Description: Underscores how Internet and globalized ideas are acted out within specific locations
Citation: Kidder, Jeffrey L. (2012). Parkour, The Affective Appropriation of Urban Space, and the Real/Virtual Dialectic. Northern Illinois University, Department of Sociology. 10.1111/j.1540-6040.2012.01406.x
Tags: #socialmedia #space #urban #parkour

Tracing the city – parkour training, play and the practice of collaborative learning
by KA O’Grady
2012 | Theature Dance and Performer Training
Description: Studies group play, mental challenges, fear, and how that effects learning compared to a traditional class structure
Citation: O’Grady, KA (2012). Tracing the city – parkour training, play and the practice of collaborative learning. Theature Dance and Performer Training, 3(2). 145-162. ISSN 1944-3927. DOI: 10.1080/19443927.2012.686450
Tags: #play #training #parkour

El Parkour en la Escuela
by Carlos Suárez Álvarez  ; Javier Fernández-Rio
Description: Manual for teaching Parkour in schools (written in Spanish)
Citation: Carlos Suárez Álvarez; Javier Fernández-Rio. (2012). El Parkour en la Escuela. Conference: VIII Congreso Internacional de Actividades Físicas Cooperativas.
Tags: #Spanish #Spanishliterature #education #physicaleducation #school #parkour

New media technologies in lifestyle sport
by Paul Gilchrist ; Belinda Wheaton
2012 | Digital Media Sport: Technology and Power in the Network Society
Description: Gilchrist and Wheaton draw a relationship between specialist subcultural media such as Youtube as non corporeal hubs for physical sports communities
Citation: Gilchrist, Paul ; Wheaton, Belinda. New Media Technologies in Lifestyle Sport. Hutchins/Rowe (eds.) Digital Media Sport: Technology and Power in the Network Society
Tags: #socialmedia #Internet #lifestylesport #literature #parkour

An existential phenomenological examination of Parkour and Freerunning
by Clegg JL, Butryn TM
2011 | Qualitative Research in Sport, Exercise and Health
Description: Examines the lived experience of tracuers with the aim of studying play, risk taking, community, public, and the interactions between them
Citation: Clegg, Jennifer L., (2011) “An Existential Phenomenological Examination of Parkour and Freerunning”. Master’s Theses. Paper 4042
Tags: #sport #exercise #exercisescience #sportsscience #risk #Kinesiology #philosophy #phenomenology #parkour

Lifestyle sport, public policy and youth engagement: Examining the emergence of Parkour
by Paul Gilchrist Saville ;  Belinda Wheaton
2011 | International Journal of Sport Policy and Politics
Description: From Abstract: ” In this article we consider the development of Parkour in the South of England and its use in public policy debates and initiatives around youth, physical activity and risk. “
Citation: Paul Gilchrist & Belinda Wheaton (2011): Lifestyle sport, public policy and youth engagement: examining the emergence of parkour, International Journal of Sport Policy and Politics, 3:1, 109-131
Tags: #youth #lifestylesport #sport #policy #law #parkour

Nice-looking obstacles: parkour as urban practice of deterritorialization
by Christoph Brunner
2011 | AI & Society
Description: The relationship between human space and human movement, the ways in which Parkour subverts modern human spaces, and smart design to further encourage movement
Citation: Brunner, C. AI & Soc (2011) 26: 143. doi:10.1007/s00146-010-0294-2
Tags: #society #sociology #parkour

Parkour and the Multitude: Politics of a Dangerous Art
by Nathan Guss
2011 | French Cultural Studies
Description: This paper attempts to show how Parkour is subversive to the idea of a collective people or political structure by embracing fear
Citation: Guss,Nathan. (2011) French Cultural Studies 22(1):73-85 · DOI: 10.1177/0957155810386675
Tags: #society #sociology #parkour #anthropology

Moving like a kid again : an analysis of Parkour as free-form adult play
by Margaret E. Kelley
2011 | Anthropology
Description: Compares play in Parkour to locomotor movement and play in other primates
Citation: Kelley, Margaret E. (2011). “Moving like a kid again : an analysis of Parkour as free-form adult play” . WWU Masters Thesis Collection. 165.
Tags: #adult #play #anthropology #locomotion #primate #parkour

The Simplest Parkour Model: Experimental Validation and Stability Analysis
by A. W. Long∗, R. D. Gregg, and K. M. Lynch
2011 | Department of Mechanical Engineering, Northwestern University
Description: Studies the development of ParkourBot, developed by Carnegie Mellon and NorthWest University, by understanding the biomechanics of Parkour
Citation: Long, A. W., Gregg, R. D., & Lynch, K. M. (2012). The simplest parkour model: Experimental validation and stability analysis. In Field Robotics – Proceedings of the 14th International Conference on Climbing and Walking Robots and the Support Technologies for Mobile Machines, CLAWAR 2011 (pp. 684-691)
Tags: #mechanicalengineering #parkour #robotics #locomotion

An Existential Phenomenological Examination of Parkour and Freerunning
by Jennifer L. Clegg
2011 | The Faculty of the Department of Kinesiology
Description:  Clegg examines the lived experiences of tracuers with the goal of expanding sport and edgework research
Citation: Clegg, Jennifer L. (2011), “An Existential Phenomenological Examination of Parkour and Freerunning” . Master’s Theses. Paper 4042.
Tags: #Kinesiology #parkour

Teaching PARKOUR SPORTS in School Gymnastics
by Sascha Rochhausen
Description: Manual for teaching Parkour in schools
Citation: Rochhausen, Sascha. (2011). Teaching PARKOUR SPORTS in School Gymnastics.
Books On Demand GmbH
Tags: #education #physicaleducation #school #parkour

From Obstacle to Opportunity: Parkour, leisure, and the reinterpretation of constraints
by Nathaniel Bavinton
2011 | Annals of Leisure Research
Description: From Abstract: “This paper draws upon original empirical research to explore leisure constraints within the context of post‐structural theorisations of power, resistance, and the organisation of public space.”
Citation: Bavinton, Nathaniel. (2011). From Obstacle to Opportunity: Parkour, leisure, and the reinterpretation of constraints. Annals of Leisure Research. Volume 10, 2007 – Issue 3-4: Graduate Student Research.
Tags: #leisure #parkour #constraints #power #resistance #urbanspaces #publicspace

Spatial Practices and the Plasticity of School Buildings
2011 | Journal of Curriculum Theorizing
Description: From Abstract: “I examine Parkour as a counter-movement that transforms the built environment and speaks back to the dominant spatial practices prescribed therein. Rather than dismissing Parkour as simply anti-social, I draw on postmodern theories of place to re-imagine these counter-movements as a tactic of spatial misuse that strategically confronts and transforms the totalizing space of the school building.” 
Citation: ELIZABETH DE FREITAS. (2011) Parkour and the Built Environment Spatial Practices and the Plasticity of School Buildings. Cultural Studies.
Tags: #education #physical education #parkour

Running across the Rooves of Empire: Parkour and the Postcolonial City
by Bill Marshall
2010 | Modern & Contemporary France
Description: From Abstract: ” This article examines a common strand of space and power, mediated by comparative notions of empire and its memory. It focuses initially on Quebec City, discussing the relations there between topography and power, in the socio-spatial, including imagined, arrangements that pertain to the division between upper and lower towns, tourist/administrative core and banlieue, as well as the original tension between the administrated city and the vast North American—and native—hinterland. The central text discussed is Pierre Gobeil’s Sur le toit des maisons…”
Citation: Marshall B (2010) Running across the Rooves of Empire: Parkour and the Postcolonial City. Modern and Contemporary France, 18 (2), pp. 157-173.
Tags: #French #French literature #cultural studies #colonization #immigration #parkour

Virtual Poaching and Altered Space: Reading Parkour in French Visual Culture
by Niel Archer
Description: From abstract: ” This article focuses primarily on parkour’s representations in visual culture, especially in cinema, and considers the associations made in two films between Parkour and the banlieue. “
Citation: Archer, Niel. (2010). Virtual Poaching and Altered Space: Reading Parkour in French Visual Culture. Modern and Contemporary France 18(1):93-107. DOI: 10.1080/09639480903504284
Tags: #parkour #film #deconstruction

Parkour, Anarcho-Environmentalism, and Poiesis
by Atkinson, Michael
2009 | Journal of Sport and Social Issues
Description: Atkinson argues that Parkour is a form of urban deconstruction and describes the movement as a form of “anarcho-enviornmentalism”
Citation: Michael Atkinson. (2009). Parkour, Anarcho-Environmentalism, and Poiesis . Journal of Sport and Social Issues. Vol 33, Issue 2, pp. 169 – 194. 10.1177/0193723509332582
Tags: #environmentalism #politics #cultural studies #sociology #Parkour

Discourses of Subversion: The Ethics and Aesthetics of Capoeira and Parkour
by Sophie Fuggle
2008 | Dance Research: The Journal of the Society for Dance Research
Description: A comparison and sociological study of Parkour and Capoeira. History, expression through movement, & the use of space in Parkour.
Citation: Sophie Fuggle (2008) Dance Research: The Journal of the Society for Dance Research Vol. 26, No. 2, pp. 204-222
Tags: #society #sociology #parkour #capoeira #history

Deviance and Social Control in Sport
by Michael Atkinson; Kevin Young
2008 |
Description: Deviance and Social Control in Sport deals widely with the intersection of how sport in general interacts with society and the natural environment, and vice versa. 
Citation: Michael Atkinson ; Kevin Young. (2008). Deviance and Social Control in Sport.ISBN-13: 9780736090896
Tags: #cultural studies #psychology  #sociology #cultural studies #counter culture #subversion #parkour

Parkour: A New Extreme Sport and a Case Study
by Jason R. Miller; DPM; FACFAS; FAPWCA;1and Sébastien G. Demoiny; DPM2
2008 | The Journal of Foot and Ankle Surgery
Description: Reviews the case of an 18-year-old male who sustained multiple fracture/dislocations of his left foot while practicing Parkour. 
Citation: Jason R. Miller; DPM; FACFAS; FAPWCA;1and Sébastien G. Demoiny; DPM2. Parkour: (2008) A New Extreme Sport and a Case Study. The Journal of Foot and Ankle Surgery. J Foot Ankle Surg. 2008 Jan-Feb;47(1):63-5.. DOI: 10.1053/j.jfas.2007.10.011
Tags: #injury #parkour #freerunning #medical

Playing with fear: parkour and the mobility of emotion
by Stephen J Saville
2008 |  Social & Cultural Geography
Description: Explores the emotional states of tracuers created during training that are often unaddressed in popular media
Citation: Stephen John Saville (2008) Social & Cultural Geography 9(8):891-914 ·
DOI: 10.1080/14649360802441440
Tags: #fear #learning #emotion

The ‘Parkour Organisation’: inhabitation of corporate spaces
by Alexandra Stara ; Miguel Imas ; Maria Daskalaski
2007 | Culture and Organization
Description: From Abstract: ” This paper discusses the corporate city and the way it structures the experience of its inhabitants. “
Citation: Alexandra Stara; Miguel Imas: Maria Daskalaski. (2008). The ‘Parkour Organisation’: inhabitation of corporate spaces. Culture and Organization Volume 14, 2008 – Issue 1, Pages 49-64.
Tags: #space #urban #corporate #organization #consumption #parkour

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