Own an Apex

Own an Apex School of Movement

Currently, we are licensing (not franchising) our brand to people who will create safe, exceptional, and successful movement schools. To learn more about licensing with us, please complete this form.

Why partner with us?

The origins of Apex School of Movement trace back to Boulder, CO in September 2006 when Ryan Ford established the first formal parkour training program in the Western Hemisphere. In March 2009, we opened our first school in downtown Denver followed by more locations in Colorado and California.

Since 2004, we’ve traveled the world, studying parkour with many prominent and diverse parkour communities. It’s our goal to not only improve our own skills, but to also find quality training methods for all. To better understand all styles of human movement, we also work with educators and researchers in other fields such as biomechanics, physical therapy, chiropractic, martial arts, and strength training. Through this journey, we’ve learned that sustainable, effective parkour training is practiced by few and coached by fewer.

Many of our coaches are at the forefront of developing high quality and innovative parkour training methods through projects such as Amos Rendao’s Parkour Ukemi & Parkour Randori, as well as Ryan’s Parkour Strength Training. We’ve also helped develop many world-class athletes who have been featured in movies and reality TV, performed for Cirque du Soleil, and won elite, international parkour competitions. Some of these athletes and artists include Brandon Douglass, Renae Dambly, Kristine Dietrich, Rob Schihl, Paul Kasemir, Dylan Baker, Erica Madrid, Mason Fleet, Justin Clark, Jesse Clark, Brian Arnold, Dante Grazioli, and Camille Leblanc-Bazinet.

Licensing Benefits

From our humble beginnings to right now, we make a massive effort to consistently innovate and build a better school for our coaches, students, and other partners. These efforts have resulted in countless systems, manuals, and other customized materials which make our movement school successful. If you decide to license with us, you will have access to many valuable resources including:

  • Brand power

  • Full-fledged business plan

  • Operations manuals (start-up guide & standard operating procedures)

  • Apprenticeship (coaching staff training program)

  • Curriculum (youth, teen, & adult)

  • Band system (achievement/safety systems for students)

  • Gym management software, systems, & templates

  • Marketing materials (graphics, flyers, ads, website, etc.)

  • Consulting